Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time for any expecting mother. The physical, emotional, and mental changes that come with pregnancy can be overwhelming. Having a supportive partner by your side during this journey can make all the difference in helping you navigate through it successfully. 

There are many ways a partner can help support their pregnant spouse throughout the entire process of bringing a baby into the world, from preparing for childbirth to caring for mom postpartum. 

Here are some practical things partners can do to ease some of the stress associated with pregnancy: 

Help Around The House

Offer to take on extra household tasks such as cleaning, cooking meals or grocery shopping so that mom-to-be has more energy and less stress during her pregnancy journey.  

Be attentive to her physical needs, such as helping her with tasks that may be difficult for her, such as reaching items on high shelves or lifting heavy objects.

Don’t forget to help with errands and appointments, such as taking her to doctor visits or running errands for items she needs.

Make sure she’s staying hydrated, eating well, and getting enough rest.

Mental Support

Provide emotional support by listening attentively when she needs someone to talk about her worries or concerns by offering words of encouragement whenever possible. Remind her how strong she is in times when doubts arise, and provide reassurance if there’s ever any doubt about being able to handle what lies ahead.  

Be supportive of her emotional well-being by listening to her concerns and helping her manage stress.

Prepare For Baby’s Arrival

Assist with creating a birth plan together (if desired), researching childcare options, setting up baby gear like car seats/strollers/cribs, stocking up on supplies like diapers, wipes, and organizing nursery furniture and decorating it together. These activities will help create excitement while also easing anxiety around welcoming home your little one!

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