Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women, but it can also come with a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including heartburn, constipation and gas. These common pregnancy discomforts are caused by several factors related to the body’s hormonal changes and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. 


When a woman becomes pregnant her body produces increased levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen which help relax muscles in the uterus so that it can expand during pregnancy. Unfortunately these same hormones also cause relaxation of other muscles throughout the body – including those in the GI tract which affects digestion speed and regularity leading to constipation or diarrhea. 

The slower digestive process results in more gas being produced due to bacteria breaking down food particles that weren’t digested properly by stomach acids or enzymes present earlier on in digestion process before they reach large intestine where most bacterial activity occurs resulting into flatulence/farts commonly referred as “baby farts.”

Another factor contributing towards heartburn during pregnancy is pressure from growing baby pushing against stomach causing contents inside like acid reflux up into esophagus causing burning sensation known as Heartburn-this usually gets worse when lying down after eating meals since gravity no longer helps keep everything downwardly directed away from esophagus allowing acid backflow occur more easily. 

How To Alleviate Discomfort

To alleviate this discomfort try avoiding overeating & lying down soon afterwards instead opting for slow paced walking around your house/garden area about 30 minutes post mealtime if you have difficulty sleeping off fullness feeling at night then try using extra pillows under hips & head region while resting on side position rather than laying flat on back -this should help reduce amount of pressure placed onto lower abdomen area thus preventing any further episodes occurring again!  

The Importance of Hydration

Lastly, frequent bathroom visits accompanied with straining efforts may be a sign indicating presence of constipation. In order combat this issue make sure you stay well-hydrated, drinking 8 glasses water daily, along consuming high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, etc. will allow feces pass through intestines much easier, thereby alleviating any pain associated with passing stools too hard consistency.

In conclusion, pregnancy brings many joyous moments but unfortunately it’s not without a few challenges too, particularly when dealing with gastrointestinal issues. These include heartburn, constipation, and gas, all three which result from hormone imbalances.

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