How often do I need to visit an OBGYN?

A pregnant woman’s OBGYN visit schedule will vary depending on a number of factors, such as how far along she is in her pregnancy, whether she has any health concerns, and whether she is having a vaginal or cesarean delivery. However, there are some general guidelines that can give an idea of what to expect.

Most OBGYNs recommend prenatal visits begin around the 8th week of pregnancy and then occur every 4 weeks until around 36 weeks, when they become biweekly until delivery. Some women may have more frequent appointments if they have health concerns. Cesarean deliveries usually require more prenatal visits than vaginal deliveries.

Most appointments involve a check of the mother’s blood pressure, weight, and urine; measurements of the baby’s growth and position; and discussion of any problems or concerns. The doctor or midwife will also likely perform an ultrasound examination during at least one appointment. Depending on the practice, other tests or procedures may also be done during prenatal visits, such as screening for genetic disorders or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Your obstetrician will likely want to see you more frequently as your due date approaches. In the last three months of pregnancy, appointments may be increased to once every two weeks. The frequency may increase to once a week during the final month.

If complications like gestational diabetes or high blood pressure arise, even more frequent visits and bed rest or limited activity might be recommended by your doctor in order to best monitor these conditions.

How often do I need to visit a midwife?  

Visiting a midwife is an important part of prenatal care. Midwives provide specialized care for pregnant women, and they can help ensure that both mother and baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy. Knowing how often you should visit your midwife will help you get the best possible care during your pregnancy. 

During each appointment with a midwife, she will assess the health of both mother and baby through physical exams, ultrasounds or other tests as needed. She may also discuss any concerns that either party has about nutrition or lifestyle choices during this time period to make sure everyone is getting what they need to stay healthy throughout the duration of their pregnancy journey together. 

Generally speaking, it’s recommended that women visit their midwives at least once per trimester in order to stay on top of things like fetal development monitoring and other important aspects related to having a safe delivery process when it comes time for birth day. 

During first trimester visits there’s usually more focus on making sure mom-to-be is taking all necessary precautions such as avoiding certain medications/substances while second trimester appointments tend lean towards discussing lifestyle changes such as diet/exercise plans, and more. Third trimester visits put more emphasis on preparing for labor & delivery itself (such as creating a birth plan).  

It’s worth noting that some practitioners might recommend additional check ups depending upon individual circumstances, so be sure to ask if anything else needs done beyond these standard 3 visits per trimester rule.

The main difference between visiting a midwife versus an OBGYN would be in terms of approach. OBGYNs tend to take a more medicalized approach (i.e., prescribing medication, etc.). Meanwhile, midwives typically prefer natural remedies whenever possible, and have a much broader scope of practice, which includes providing postpartum support services too. 

In addition, midwives also offer greater flexibility when it comes scheduling appointments, since many practices allow virtual consultations via video calls.

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